Chieko and Room Service
People find me to be very strange at times. When I get excited about something I see, most people don’t share my enthusiasm (that is, until they see the photos ;)). To be a friend of mine is to be on-guard for random photographic requests. After visiting my friend Chieko and getting a tour of the self-made dancer-actress’ home, I immediately fell in love with, of all things, her headboard…no seriously, its a whole lot of unique awesomeness, so I asked her if we could shoot it with her as the subject. My favorite image of course is of her lying down with her hand on the headboard. Thanks for the session Chieko. People, the headboard is from a company called Room Service. If you’re filthy rich, you can buy one for yourself…or, if you’re a hard working Japanese dancer working with the likes of Beyonce, that might do the trick too.