A Writer's Journey
In hard economic times, people are forced to take a good look at themselves and evaluate their quality of life. Am I happy? Since money becomes a factor in decision making, you have to decide, is what I do for a living worth all my time and effort for the money I’m making? Most artists struggling through Corporate America will most certainly answer “NO”. And many in the past couple of yrs have left the comforts of their corporate digs to pursue their dreams. Meet Laure B. Jason, a beautiful, intelligent & extremely talented writer, who recently left a company she worked at for nearly a decade to focus on writing her novel (no, she’s not a model, she just looks that good all the time). She doesn’t like surprises, so she budgeted her cost of living expenses, saved up enough and jumped ship. It’s a cliche, yes, but when you set out on the right path, the universe will help you along the way. Case in point, although she had budgeted for the long haul to focus on her novel, she was immediately hired as a contract writer on 2 high profile projects and her poetry will be featured in a (mixed-media) art show this fall. All she had to do was commit and the pieces started to fall in place. Have faith people. Believe in yourself. Make that leap of faith. Don’t be that person who wakes up one day and says, shit, “What if?” Don’t. Don’t get stuck swimming in a lap-pool, back & forth, until the point it’s all dried up. That’s no way to live your life, hoping, wishing for a better one. If you want to do something, there is no time like the present. Your dreams are waiting…